CODE: LIE-72100
Function and Applications
72100 Histology: Cell Structure and Cell Division (Cytology), 10 microscope slides –
1. Simple animal cells in sec. of salamander liver showing nuclei, cell membranes and cytoplasm. For general study of the animal cell. 2. Mitotic stages in sec. through red bone marrow of mammal.
3. Meiotic (maturation) stages in sec. through testis of salamander, selected material showing large structures *.
4. Human chromosomes in smear from culture of blood, male or female.
5. Mitochondria in thin sec. of kidney or liver, specially prepared and stained.
6. Pigment cells in skin.
7. Storage of glycogen in liver cells, sec. stained with carmine after Best or PAS reaction.
8. Mitotic stages in sec. of whitefish blastula showing spindles. *.
9. Ascaris megalocephala embryology. Sec. Of uteri showing maturation stages (meiosis). Polar bodies can be seen.
10. Ascaris megalocephala embryology. Sec. Of uteri showing early cleavage stages (mitosis)
The microslides are supplied in a slide box.